Policril 305 RB
Eurokoll2022-01-11T14:59:01+01:00Acrylic dispersion for the textile industry. Binder for printing, resin and various finishing
Policril 320
Eurokoll2022-01-11T14:56:35+01:00Aqueous dispersion of a vinyl-acrylic copolymer, free from plasticizers
Policril 282
Eurokoll2022-01-11T14:53:58+01:00Aqueous dispersion for the production of sealing sheaths
Policril 307
Eurokoll2022-01-11T12:16:27+01:00Aqueous dispersion used as a binder for wadding, dressings and interlocks
Neolith TS40
Eurokoll2022-01-11T12:12:57+01:00Acetovinyl dispersion free from formaldehyde and APEO